With the recent coronavirus pandemic, we thought it best to post a little update on where Cornish Ramblings stands with it all, especially as we organise group walks on a regular basis. Walking is a great way to bring groups of people together to enjoy the outdoors on foot, and with this being what Cornish Ramblings is primarily all about, we wanted to put your minds at ease with regards to the next couple of months.
As it currently stands, Cornish Ramblings will still continue to organise group rambles around Cornwall and the dates currently in the calendar are to still go ahead. However, with the spread of coronavirus posing a risk to public health, we’re following government updates and the latest NHS advice closely.
If you are to join Cornish Ramblings for a walk, please ensure you are fit and well enough to do so. Following the most recent government advice, anyone with a high temperature or new continuous cough should self-isolate for 14 days. This means staying at home, avoiding public places and group activities, including Cornish Ramblings group walks and events – even if your symptoms are mild. If your condition gets worse, you feel can’t cope with your symptoms at home, or your symptoms do not get better after 14 days, please contact the NHS coronavirus service online, or by calling 111 for further advice. Please do not visit your GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
Whilst Cornish Ramblings' walks and events (such as the Cocker Spaniel Meetup) are continuing as normal for now, it is so important to remember that your health (and the health of other Cornish Ramblers) should be your top priority. Please keep up to date with the latest developments, and decide what is right for you. This may mean cancelling group walks, or choosing not to attend events at this time.
So, how can you help to minimise the spread of the virus? There are a handful of ways, such as;
- Catching coughs and sneezes in a tissue and throwing the tissue away immediately
- Coughing into your clothing, such as the crook of your elbow, if a tissue is unavailable
- Washing your hands with soap and water regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time
- Using alcohol-based hand sanitiser
- Avoiding close contact with people who are unwell
We’ll continue to monitor the situation, and update you on the situation of upcoming rambles and events as and when we need to via social media or the newsletter; please make sure you are following Cornish Ramblings on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter as well as subscribed to the mailing list to keep up to date.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jody on cornishramblings@hotmail.com
As always, thank you for your ongoing support of Cornish Ramblings and hopefully, normality will resume very soon.
Take care,
Jody x